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About me

Maria Risques Blasi is a primary school teacher, illustrator and graphic designer from Barcelona (1993). From an early age, she stood out for her creativity, which she expressed through a wide variety of techniques and supports.


Over the years, after much practice and training in Illustration and Fine Arts, she has developed a very emotional and personal style; taking inspiration from nature, especially from floral elements, and working mostly with watercolors.


We can enjoy her world in her stories and illustrated albums, among which we find “Bubble” (2018) and “101 Reasons” (2020); as well as in her series of drawings, postcards, prints and decorative motifs.


With each of her works, Maria takes us to an imaginary and dreamy world full of feelings, thoughts and everyday situations in which we can feel identified.

About me


Bombolla” és un àlbum il·lustrat que vol convidar el lector a reflexionar sobre ell mateix amb un missatge esperançador i positiu.


Explica una història sense narrativa definida, que transporta a una sèrie de mons imaginaris en forma d’imatges entrellaçades plenes de metàfores.


El lector tindrà l’oportunitat d’acompanyar el protagonista, un personatge pèl-roig que apareix a totes les imatges, viatjant per un camí ple de sentiments i emocions que l’ajudaran a sortir d’ell mateix i, per tant, a petar la seva pròpia bombolla.


Maria Risques Blasi is a primary school teacher, illustrator and graphic designer from Barcelona (1993). From an early age, she stood out for her creativity, which she expressed through a wide variety of techniques and supports.


Over the years, after much practice and training in Illustration and Fine Arts, she has developed a very emotional and personal style; taking inspiration from nature, especially from floral elements, and working mostly with watercolors.


We can enjoy her world in her stories and illustrated albums, among which we find “Bubble” (2018) and “101 Reasons” (2020); as well as in her series of drawings, postcards, prints and decorative motifs.


With each of her works, Maria takes us to an imaginary and dreamy world full of feelings, thoughts and everyday situations in which we can feel identified.


Maria Risques Blasi is a primary school teacher, illustrator and graphic designer from Barcelona (1993). From an early age, she stood out for her creativity, which she expressed through a wide variety of techniques and supports.


Over the years, after much practice and training in Illustration and Fine Arts, she has developed a very emotional and personal style; taking inspiration from nature, especially from floral elements, and working mostly with watercolors.


We can enjoy her world in her stories and illustrated albums, among which we find “Bubble” (2018) and “101 Reasons” (2020); as well as in her series of drawings, postcards, prints and decorative motifs.


With each of her works, Maria takes us to an imaginary and dreamy world full of feelings, thoughts and everyday situations in which we can feel identified.

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